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Slide 3

June 20, 2011fit4youpFeaturedComments Off on Slide 3

John Leggett, 49

June 17, 2011fit4youpTestimonialsComments Off on John Leggett, 49

I have always kept reasonably fit, going to the gym doing a mixture of weights and cardio, but have never felt as fit as I do now. The encouragement and motivation from having Stephen as a personal trainer has been the main drive behind my achievement of improved strength, muscle tone and core stability.

Initially I was a little reluctant when Stephen said we would be using ‘TRX’ in the training programme, but I confess I am now a convert and own my own pair. Stephen has variated my training to incorporate strength training, interval training, cardio and core strength elements. Coupled with nutritional advice he has provided me with an overall balanced training schedule.

Having a personal trainer has definitely given me the incentive to train regularly, especially when you can see the results so quickly. If you are looking to improve your general fitness level or are looking for specific goal achievements I would recommend Stephen without hesitation.

John Leggett


How to perform a Deadlift

June 17, 2011fit4youpAdvice, News, TrainingComments Off on How to perform a Deadlift

The Deadlift is an integral, yet often missing component of a strength building program. That’s not to say that everyone should be performing this movement or one of its variations, but the benefits of the Deadlift for a power or strength building program are innumerable.

What is a deadlift?

The deadlift is a compound movement that works grip strength with the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, hamstrings, and quadriceps serving as the primary muscles. The remaining muscles are involved in stability control. It is, in a sense, the purest test of strength because it is one of the few lifts of dead weight (weight lying on the ground). In most other lifts there is an eccentric (lowering the weight) phase followed by the concentric (lifting the weight) phase. The eccentric phase essentially stores some amount of energy in the stretched muscles and tendons, making the concentric phase somewhat easier. The deadlift, however, is solely a concentric movement. The lift begins at its most difficult point, with no inertia or stored energy.
Deadlifts build back strength. Deadlifts teach you to keep your lower back rigid against a load. Keeping your back straight is critical to avoid injuries when lifting heavy objects from the floor.
There are also many various types of deadlifts which are good for putting more or less emphasis on the various muscles that you would use in a normal deadlift For example: Romanian deadlift, Sumo deadlift, Stiff leg deadlifts, Suitcase deadlifts

Deadlift benefits:

  • To build strength and enhance power potential
  • To add muscle mass to the entire body
  • Develop core strength and rigidity
  • Injury prevention, in everyday life you have to pick things off the floor
  • Support grip strength
  • The release of testosterone and growth hormone. ( help increase muscle gains)

Muscles worked

Since the deadlift is a compound movement it utilizes nearly every major muscle of your body:
Lower Back ,Calves, Forearms, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lats, Middle Back, Quadriceps, Traps, Deltoids

Dangers of having poor technique

Improper form (not maintaining a neutral spine) can precipitate new conditions, aggravate existing ones, and possibly cause injury, especially the heavier the weight one lifts. Failure to maintain neutral spine, primary job of the back muscles, during the movement causes undue stress to the spinal discs, by pinching the front and leaving a gap at the back, forcing the internal fluids to compress towards the back, and potentially causing a herniated disc. This is especially true of the lumbar region of the spine, which bears the bulk of the compressive forces on the upper body.

In addition, the compression can squeeze the spinal roots of the spinal cord, causing nerve-conditions like lumbago or sciatica.

It is important that those executing a deadlift be proficient in the recruitment (voluntary activation) of the deep abdominal and trunk muscles. In particular, it has been suggested that recruiting the transversus abdominus muscle provides a natural corset-like brace around the trunk, helping to protect against injury. A good method to help achieve this and avoid lower back injuries is to keep the abdominals braced. This will build anterior support for the spine. However, as a cautionary note, this technique can drastically increase blood pressure during the exercise and should not be performed by people with known or suspected heart conditions.

Using an underhand grip is potentially hazardous on heavy deadlifts as a supinated grip shortens the biceps muscle and increases the load on it, possibly leading to a rupture of the muscle or connecting tendons. The risk is most notable in individuals without full flexibility in the elbow joint. However, using an over-under grip allows one to lift more weight due to the reduced chance of the weight falling out of one’s hands.

Lewis Hardy, 19

June 17, 2011fit4youpTestimonialsComments Off on Lewis Hardy, 19

I joined fitness first during my first month at university, and took on Steve as a personal trainer after receiving a  one hour free consultation and session with him. I have found that, by following his advice and training programmes, my overall strength, power and fitness has massively improved; which has greatly facilitated me when playing rugby.

My improving core fitness has especially made my sports performance increase because I have been able to recover from tackles and play the ball a lot faster than I previously could. The training sessions I have had with Steve have been very beneficial, because he has helped maintain my motivation to train frequently and I feel more confident in the gym. The benefits speak for themselves from training with Steve, and I would recommend him as a Personal trainer to anyone.

Lewis Hardy

Richard Powell, 27

June 17, 2011fit4youpTestimonialsComments Off on Richard Powell, 27

I have been a regular gym member for the past 5 years, though the same old tired routines had left me bored and lacking motivation. I therefore ask Stephen for help. In a matter of three months I have seen the most significant changes in lean muscle growth and strength that I have experienced in the whole five years previous. I have received numerous compliments from friends and am much more confident now my chest and arms fill my body.

My tailored program works through the different phases of weight training, giving me the motivation to approach each workout with a clear objective. Each phase is accompanied by a new program. The changing phases motivate me to push hard to get the results before I move on to the next, reducing the possibility of becoming bored or complacent. Stephen’s knowledge of human physiology and dieting has also given me an understanding of weight training that I lacked before.

Stephen is extremely encouraging during our one-to-one sessions, always pushing me to limits well beyond my expectations, although we never take things too seriously and have a laugh too. With such positive results coming within a relatively short space of time, I’m excited for the coming months.

Richard Powell

Slide 2

June 10, 2011fit4youpFeaturedComments Off on Slide 2
Personal Trainer in Bradford & Huddersfield

Stephen recognises that each client is a unique individual. Whether you're looking to shed an extra few pounds, or are wanting to build muscle, Stephen can help and motivate you to achieve your goals. Read about PT in Bradford and Huddersfield. Take a look at our testimonials.

  • TRX
  • Skillsactive approved